I wanted to post my new Windows 8.1 metro application to the windows store but I got rejected because I was a minor. (utter bs)

I signed up with a new account to try and bypass the age limit (which I find unnessecary) to find out that it costs $65 per year to keep a store account.

I cannot afford this but I want people to be able to use my Windows 8.1 metro application. Can I make it avaliable for download in another location?


1 Answer 1


Could you post the .appx file and have users install it via PowerShell?

add-appxpackage C:\myapp.appx

More info: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/uk_faculty_connection/archive/2012/04/03/installing-enterprise-metro-apps-without-using-microsoft-store.aspx

  • im not sure because inexperienced users of computers would probably not be able to do this Feb 9, 2014 at 22:16
  • You could always create a script / program that did it for them
    – Mike Koch
    Feb 9, 2014 at 22:17
  • how could i go about doing that? Feb 9, 2014 at 22:21
  • Create a .ps1 file containing the command, and then have them run the .ps1 file. I'm not exactly sure if it has to be signed (with a certificate or what-not), but it may help run the command automatically. -- more info: lmgtfy.com/?q=create+powershell+script
    – Mike Koch
    Feb 9, 2014 at 22:29

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