I am trying out the DB navigator plugin in pyCharm

My target DB is a Sybase 15.5 server. I have put in correct jdbc driver, connection string url, user name and login. The 'Test' button returns success.

However, the navigator fails to show any schema. Here is a screen shot:

enter image description here

However i do not see anywhere in the setting windows in related to default schema.

Do you know how I can fix it?

  • I cannot get PyCharm to integrate with Sybase at all. Were you able to?
    – gt6989b
    Jan 18, 2017 at 17:19

1 Answer 1


DB Navigator is a 3rd party plugin. Any reason you use it instead of built-in DB support? PyCharm Professional supports Sybase ASE out of the box https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/connecting-to-a-database.html#connect-to-sybase-database

You also seem to be using some very old version so I recommend updating.

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