I have magit installed on my system with elpa. However, it comes without documentation, and that makes using it a hassle (since help on its mode is somewhat lacking).

Is there a way consistent with using emacs package manager to install documentation on magit as well?

  • While not an answer to your question, you are most likely interested in functions within that package that are interactive, and the doc-strings of those interactive functions may be helpful. Here is a link to a Magit Cheatsheet: daemianmack.com/magit-cheatsheet.html and here is a link to some Magit documentation: magit.github.io/documentation.html
    – lawlist
    Oct 8, 2014 at 22:05
  • Well, your second link has just the documentation i want installed locally. As far as i can tell, it is, when magit is installed as a debian package. I would like to be able to access that help without leaving emacs, though.
    – Srv19
    Oct 9, 2014 at 8:30


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