I can't find anything about this on the web, and I assume it MIGHT be possible without using third-party software.

I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to "side-snap" a window with a default setting of more than 50%.

By side-snapping I mean dragging a window to the side and allowing windows to re-size and re-position it. Also can be done by using windows + left or windows + right.

I'm thinking there should be a settings file somewhere, of a key in the registry, but I'm hoping someone has already gone through the steps.

I can see there's an unanswered question related to this so I'm a bit perplex... (https://superuser.com/questions/810069/change-the-width-of-windows-side-by-side-arrangement-to-be-larger-than-that)

  • 2
    I don't believe it's possible without a 3rd party program.
    – New-To-IT
    Dec 9, 2014 at 14:54
  • superuser.com/questions/83470/… Here's on answered on here, but it was 4 years ago so might be completely worthless now.
    – New-To-IT
    Dec 9, 2014 at 14:59
  • 1
    This will be possible in Windows 10 Dec 9, 2014 at 17:06


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