I have an Ubuntu 14.04 LiveCD and the full Ubuntu 14.04 install on a bootable USB hard drive. I have g++ installed on the hard drive, but I need to use the hard drive for sneakernet. Is there a way to run g++ off the hard drive when I've booted off the CD?

Edit: if it makes any difference, gcc is included with Ubuntu but g++ isn't, so I installed build-essentials to the hard drive.

2 Answers 2


Since you have the exact same same Ubuntu version installed on both the liveCD and external USB device ... you might be able to get away with the following:

  1. Mount your USB device somewhere (for the example I'm using /mnt/your_USB_device though it will probably be somewhere on /media...)

  2. Then, from a root terminal:

for f in dev dev/pts proc sys; do mount -o bind /$f /mnt/your_USB_device/$f; done

chroot /mnt/your_USB_device /bin/bash

You'll have a root prompt that's essentially running Linux from your external drive. Try running g++ and see if it works. Good luck.


I'm trusting that the hard drive is also Linux.

You can mount the hard drive as a directory to your live CD. You must mount it somewhat like this:

mount /dev/sda1 /mnt

But the actual values will vary with your hardware. Then, you have to declare the path to mnt/usr/bin to be part of the executable search path, and then you have to declare the path to gcc's libraries as part of the search path for libraries.

In short: it's not entirely easy. And it might not even work, if there are major incompatibilities between the gcc version and your Live CD.

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