I recently upgraded from a Microsoft Type Cover 3 to a TC 4. It is definitely a vast improvement but I miss the right handed function key, as it previously allowed me to use the Fn+Backspace/Del screen brightness shortcut with one hand.

Does anyone have a solution to this? I am essentially looking for either a way to change the new context menu key (to the right of the right Alt key) to a Fn key. I can still use the Fn toggle key on the Type Cover 4, but it is much more awkward than having a function key on the same side as the backspace/delete keys.

I would also be content with being able to, say, remap those brightness adjustment shortcuts to F1 and F2 through autohotkey or something like that, I just am not sure how to do that.


  • I don't have a Type Cover but generally the Fn key doesn't generate a scan code, so you can't do anything with it, remap it to another key or vice versa
    – phuclv
    May 4, 2019 at 3:44


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