How could I attach Word document in my .org file? I could do it for plain text file but not .doc type. Are the other options to point to Word file in my system other the attaché? Thanks

1 Answer 1


C-c C-a then you pick what fits you best: http://orgmode.org/manual/Attachments.html

  • Well ... I already tried that way. I attach file e.g. foo.docx but when I try to open that attachment it opens not the file but a list of .xml files. As I mentioned I don't have a problem with C-c C-a when the file is a plain text file. In my case it is a Word file. Again: could not text file be attached and the opened in org? In other words ... attachment is not a problem ... the problem is to open it
    – susik
    Jan 29, 2016 at 2:11
  • You cannot open a Word file in Org. But you may call Word or any other program to do the job, based on file extensions. Please see stackoverflow.com/a/9116029/5494004
    – SΛLVΘ
    Jan 29, 2016 at 5:58

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