Today I am looking for a new trick, it's how do I How do I restrict use of a computer to one domain user only on Active Diredctory?

I want an only user to Login on a machine and nobody else from the same Domain can login to this Machine . I wanna apply this Tricks in my Company all of Computers, I found a trick how to specify a user to open his session on computer .

This is the Trick that I found:


But not I am looking for something to apply on the Active Directory Server. It's better if I can use GPOs.

Thanks Guys!

1 Answer 1


I don't think you will be able to do this through GPO and not sure why you would want to do this for every user in the domain, but I would suggest that you specify on the user properties for every user where they can logon and provide for every user another computer name, see here - User Properties - Account Tab.

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