Should the file on disk increase as content is added to a Word document

We have a Word document which when first created from the template has 9 pages of empty Tables that have to filled in to be completed .

A partially completed version with half of the tables completed is showing a size on disk the same as a completed version. does this sound correct

  • Filling in som tables does really not require a lot of data.
    – mpboom
    Mar 8, 2016 at 9:06

1 Answer 1


You are asking about something not specific to Word files, but how Windows store files. You are referring to the Size on disk when you right-click and pick Properties. I believe that the real size you should be considering is the one attributed with Size and not Size on disk. Read this article to differentiate them both, starting with the section "Size Matters"


Another factor but specific to Word is that .docx is contained within a ZIP file, thus compression plays a role about the size, unlike what someone may think that every letter stored in Word should consume a fixed size of bytes.

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