I keep getting this error when trying to install TortoiseSVN on Windows 7.

All Windows-help documents refer to Windows XP for this error code and they don't work with Windows 7.

What does this message mean?

Note: My version number is TortoiseSVN-

EDIT: I just tried installing the latest stable version of TortoiseGit (Link, 32-bit), and I get the same problem.

3 Answers 3


Seems your temp directory doesn't have full access set for the SYSTEM user.


Had the same problem until I realized I was using the 32 bit installer on a 64 bit windows server box. Opps. I completely uninstalled the old version and then installed the 64 bit version of TortoiseSVN, restarted and all was well.


I have seen this problem when I used SUBST on the drive on which I was storing my temp directory. Seems windows (XP) can't understand permissions when SUBST is used.

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