I understand Clutter is based off of individual patterns, but I want to whitelist email from a sender. For example, if an e-mail was sent to my Clutter folder, I want that specific e-mail not to go there anymore. Is there a setting for me to stop that single e-mail from going into that folder?

2 Answers 2


It is not possible, but Clutter learns. Sooner or later it will stop sorting your important messages. You can find more details in the Office Support article.

  • 1
    @Abraxas: just updated the answer.
    – thims
    Apr 14, 2016 at 13:53

You can do this - but not from the client mailbox. Below I use subject but you can scope this to a sender, recipient, or any other property supported by the transport rules.

You have to create a transport rule to catch these messages, than add the following to the message header:

X-MS-Exchange-Organization-BypassClutter : true

So in Exchange Admin Center - add a new transport rule

enter image description here

Or If you wanted to do this in PowerShell it would look like this

New-TransportRule -Name "Bypass Clutter" -SubjectContainsWords "Vendor Invoice" -SetHeaderName "X-MS-Exchange-Organization-BypassClutter" -SetHeaderValue "true"

Anything with the subject of "Vendor Invoice" will not be processed by clutter

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