Col A  Col B  Col C
Row 1  a      a      a  
Row 2  a      a      a  
Row 3  a      a      a  

I am trying to set a specific range in the COUNTIF function, =COUNTIF(range,criteria).

Example 1: Using the sample data above, I would like to see how many occurrences of the letter "a" in Row 1, Column A. This can be done by simply looking at the single cell, A2.


Example 2: I would like to see how many "a" occur in all of Row 2. This can be done using the range from A2:C2.


Example 3: This is where I am stuck. I would like to see how many "a" occur in Row 3, Column A & C only. I can't figure out how to input this into the formula.


EDIT: Thank you all for the quick responses. The reason I asked this question is because I am really working on the following problem:

I have manually inputted data in columns A - H. Column A & B combined create one of four ratings. C & D create the second rating. E & F create the third. G & H create the forth rating. I have combined these four ratings and are seen in columns I - L. Of these four ratings (out of 25 combinations, can be repeated) which appear in different order, I need to assign the highest value (1=high, 4=low) into column N. Column M is an extra column I needed to complete the functions required. It outputs the highest rating of the four ratings as a number from 1-25 (the total possible options). From this number, I then index the corresponding rating from the Rating sheet.

The formulas below work just fine. The reason I am asking for help is for two reasons. I want to combine all the work into a single cell (if possible) and remove the added columns I - L where I can easily CONCATENATE() the two manual inputs per rating within a function. I thought it could be done, but what was holding me back primarily is the section of code below:


It is holding me back because COUNTIF() can take a range as an input argument, but not separate cells. I want to have (A1&B1),(C1&D1),(E1&F1),(G1&H1) as the "range" part of the argument for the COUNTIF() function. The ratings for each combination available is on the second sheet labeled "Ratings".

Sheet 1: Sheet1

Columns: A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N
  Row 1: D  2  A  5  E  3  E  3  D2 A5 E3 E3   

-Columns A-H are manually inputted.

-Column I is (A1&B1)

-Column J is (C1&D1)

-Column K is (E1&F1)

-Column L is (G1&H1)

-Column M is


Column N is


The second sheet labeled Ratings is below:

Sheet 2: Ratings
Columns: A   B
Row 1:   A5  1
Row 2:   A4  1
Row 3:   B5  1
Row 4:   A3  1
Row 5:   A2  1
Row 6:   B4  2
Row 7:   B3  2
Row 8:   C5  2
Row 9:   C4  2
Row 10:  D5  2
Row 11:  A1  3
Row 12:  B2  3
Row 13:  B1  3
Row 14:  C3  3
Row 15:  C2  3
Row 16:  D4  3
Row 17:  E5  3
Row 18:  C1  4
Row 19:  D3  4
Row 20:  D2  4
Row 21:  D1  4
Row 22:  E4  4
Row 23:  E3  4
Row 24:  E2  4
Row 25:  E1  4

Hopefully with the full problem at hand, you all can have a better understanding as to what I am trying to accomplish.

  • 1
    Is there a pattern to the columns that you want to select? ie Is it every other, or is there a value in row 1 that denotes which to count? Apr 26, 2016 at 16:52
  • Why can't you countif() + countif()? Apr 26, 2016 at 16:58

3 Answers 3


or more simply:


Even if you define a Named Range that is disjoint, COUNTIF() will not accept it.

However something like:


will work, but it is no better than the sum of COUNTIF()s.

  • This actually answers the question I asked, but I am specifically looking for a solution in the form of =COUNTIF(RANGE,"a") Apr 26, 2016 at 16:13
  • 2
    @user3204879 COUNTIF() does not work on a disjoint range. Apr 26, 2016 at 16:32
  • And there lies my problem. Dang. No luck searching the Overview of Formulas either. support.office.com/en-us/article/… Apr 26, 2016 at 16:36
  • @user3204879 see my update Apr 26, 2016 at 17:00
  • 1
    @ScottCraner I agree with you completely! ...........the INDIRECT() is pretty bad................adding up several COUNTIF()s is much better. Apr 26, 2016 at 17:23

Here are a few other options:

This is based on the index number:

=SUM(INDEX(((COLUMN(A3:C3) = 1)+(COLUMN(A3:C3) =3))*(A3:C3="a"),))

This is based on a pattern of every other one:


This is based on the values in Row 1:


enter image description here


I found a better solution with the help of a friend. It consists of replacing the COUNTIF() method with MIN(VLOOKUP(),VLOOKUP(),VLOOKUP(),VLOOKUP()) to find the highest rating of the 4 given values. I was also able to concatenate the 2 columns thus eliminating the 4 extra combination columns and the 1 "mid step" column using the method.


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