I'm using Ansible to set up some configuration on several nodes, and as part of this setup I need to split one big file by n lines and copy each part to a remote file without creating local copy of each chunk (like bash split command does). Ansible can't do this by default (or I just didn't find out how to do it yet), so I decided to use GNU Parallel. I found out here that copying from stdin may be easily done like this:

~$ echo "Lots of data" | ssh [email protected] 'cat > big.txt'

But I want to do this simultaneously to several hosts! So, here is an example input:

~$ cat hosts.txt

~$ cat data.txt

I calculate number of lines per node by doing "wc -l" and dividing second number by first. So, basically, next step would be something like this:

~$ cat data.txt | parallel -S `cat hosts.txt | tr "\n" ","` -N $LINES_PER_HOST --pipe "ssh $HOST 'cat > /data/piece.txt'"

but how can I launch one command for each host, what should I replace $HOST with? I thought about combining two inputs (one being hosts), but still no idea how to do it.

Would really appreciate any thoughts.

1 Answer 1


Works from version 20150922:

parallel-20150922 -a bigfile --roundrobin  --pipepart --slf hosts.txt -j1 'cat > giraf'
  • Great, thanks! I only see one limitation - I can only split file by blocks, not by lines. Will it always process line endings correctly in this case? I don't really care if one node gets a little more lines than the other, but I need lines to be complete and readable.
    – Enchantner
    Jun 27, 2016 at 18:09
  • It splits on \n, so you should be safe.
    – Ole Tange
    Jun 28, 2016 at 6:34
  • I launched it on file with 10000 lines and 2 nodes, using block size a little larger that 'du -b' output divided by two. One node got ~4850 lines, the other one ~4900, the rest is lost. Is there any way to ensure all lines are copied? Or I should calculate block size in some other way?
    – Enchantner
    Jun 29, 2016 at 9:34
  • You should never lose lines. Can you post the exact command you wrote? If you run the command I give, --block is not needed.
    – Ole Tange
    Jun 29, 2016 at 14:41

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