There is a machine on our network called owner-pc. I want to learn its ip address. I'm not sure which computer it is, and I don't want to trundle to each station to figure it out. When I ping it from the command line on a windows machine, I get something like this:

Reply from: fe80::3039:2a21:3f57:f337%1: time<1ms
Reply from: fe80::3039:2a21:3f57:f337%1: time<1ms
Reply from: fe80::3039:2a21:3f57:f337%1: time<1ms
Reply from: fe80::3039:2a21:3f57:f337%1: time<1ms

How can I figure this out?


3 Answers 3


Try ping -4 owner-pc


oops should have been an answer

nslookup owner-pc


Thats interesting. I wonder if you're using IPv6. It looks kinda like an IPv6 address.


  • yes its ipv6 thus ping -4 works or nslookup
    – user33788
    May 27, 2010 at 20:19
  • I'm new to IPv6. I was not able to find a description of ping -4 on google. Does ping -4 convert an IPv6 address to IPv4?
    – James T
    May 27, 2010 at 21:21
  • 1
    sorry if I seemed scruffy, but no ping -4 just forces ping to use v4 addressing.
    – user33788
    May 27, 2010 at 22:02

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