After I downloaded the source for lua, I followed the install instructions, doing...

make linux install make generic install

I've also done the make test and it passes, printing out Hello World, from Lua 5.1.

However, I can't link to the lua libraries in CodeBlocks. I know where lualib.a is (usr/local/lib) which I set in my Search Directories for the linker. I still get error messages like...

undefined reference to lua_isstring

Am I missing something critical here?

P.S. I had this running on Windows via Visual Studio.

1 Answer 1


Linking directly to the library rather than specifying the directory it was in worked.

  • 1
    You can mark your own anser as accepted. Although you don't earn reputation, in case of people searching for this same problem they will know there is a solution even before entering this thread. And welcome to SU!
    – GmonC
    Jun 22, 2010 at 1:53

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