Has anyone managed to turn off the 802.11 feature of the T-Mobile @Home router? I want to get 2 lines, so the wi-fi-less adapter is out, but I already have fine coverage and don't want an interfering signal.

As a corollary does anyone know if there's a more controllable firmware out there, similar to openWRT which supports this router, while retaining the SIM and phone features?

1 Answer 1


Wireless Tab -> look for "Wireless Network Mode" -> select disabled.

Should look like this screen: http://ui.linksys.com/files/WRTU54G-TM/1.00.16.Radius/Basic-Wireless-Settings.htm

Re firmware, DD-WRT does not support it: http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/WRTU54G-TM. There is one person attempting to get OpenWRT on it,

, but I have no idea if it will retain those SIM features.

  • Thanks for identifying the model. It looks like it has it's own entry in the linksysbycisco.com/gpl page. Then so the devices themselves should be able to find support. The user-land device configuration and t-mobile voip behavior might be non-gpl, and may need to get ripped off a working device.
    – dlamblin
    Aug 5, 2009 at 7:00
  • Oh, and ui.linksys.com is nifty. while linksysbycisco.com is not.
    – dlamblin
    Aug 5, 2009 at 7:03

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