Is there a way to turn on/off anti-aliasing in Notepad++, either through settings or a certain plug-in?


4 Answers 4


Notepad++ uses the same settings as the rest of the applications on the system. There isn't any setting within it to change this.

P.S.: If you are having issues with blurry text on DPI settings higher than 96 DPI on Windows Vista/7, turn on "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings" on program's "Compatibility" tab.


Settings > Preferences > Editing > Enable smooth font.


I had smooth font disabled, but the font was still blurry. Turns out there's another setting that used to default to off until recently, and setting it to off restored sharp font for me: Settings - Preferences - MISC - Use DirectWrite (May improve rendering special characters, need to restart Notepad++)

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    Mar 23 at 9:08

After adding a 4K external screen, my Notepad++ was very blurry on the external screen. The solution for me was to simply edit the shortcut to disable the automatic scaling behavior by enabling the override called High DPI scaling override and selecting Application in the drop-down, as shown in the steps below.

enter image description here

enter image description here

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