I recently installed googlecl (to access google calendar from the command line) on Mac OS X 10.5.8, and it was working fine when I installed it.

After that I installed other programs (don't remember which ones exactly). However, today when I tried to access google from the command line, I got the error

-bash: google: command not found

I suppose the path got deleted. Does anyone know what I have to add to the path to get google command to work again. Is it possible, something else went wrong?

2 Answers 2


use find / -name "google" -type f to find the path where googlecl is installed. Then, add that path to your PATH variable in your .bash_profile or .profile


Try locate google before find. locate is a ton faster than find because it searches a database rather than the filesystem. However, if the database has not been updated since you installed the files, locate won't know about them.

Even easier would likely be to look at how you installed it. If you used MacPorts, then use port contents PORT_NAME to find out what all was installed by the port. If you used an installer package, then look either in /var/log/install.log to see where it installed things, or look at the package receipt in /var/db/receipts/ (lsbom will likely come in handy).

Once you know where it was installed, you can update your PATH: add a line to your .profile that exports a new PATH, and then source ~/.profile.

It's likely it got installed to a normal place, so it might just magically work if you add this line to your .profile and then source ~/.profile:

export PATH="/opt/local/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/sw/bin:/usr/local/pgsql/bin:/usr/local/git/bin:/opt/subversion/bin:$HOME/bin:$PATH"

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