I have an excel workbook with about 30 worksheets. I know I can do Ctrl+PageUp and Ctrl+PageDown to move between the worksheets.

Is there a way to do this using the center button on my mouse as well?

1 Answer 1


I don't know of any shortcut in Excel to do it. If you've got AutoHotkey, you could use the following script to do it (Ctrl+Shift+Mouse Scroll):

#IfWinActive, Microsoft Excel ; Makes the hotkey work only when you're working in a window titled Microsoft Excel
^+WheelDown::Send ^{PgDn} ; Control-Shift-Scroll Down moves to the next worksheet
^+WheelUp::Send ^{PgUp} ; Control-Shift-Scroll Up moves to the previous worksheet
#IfWinActive ; End of hotkeys that only work in Excel

Even better, you could use this version of the script to change worksheets when you're scrolling and holding down the right mouse button (so you only have to use one hand!):

#IfWinActive, Microsoft Excel ; Makes the hotkey work only when you're working in a window titled Microsoft Excel
RButton & WheelDown::Send ^{PgDn} ; Right Mouse Button-Scroll Down moves to the next worksheet
RButton & WheelUp::Send ^{PgUp} ; Right Mouse Button-Scroll Up moves to the previous worksheet
RButton::Send {RButton}
#IfWinActive ; End of hotkeys that only work in Excel

This approach prevents you from right-dragging in Excel, but I haven't seen any special result from doing that.

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