I tried to access my folder but warning say you are not root and and permission area doesnot clearly open that is I couldnot access its feature to change its permission and sudo is not accessible Moreover, sudo nautilus is not useable warning is e1630862 is not in the sudoers file. how can I access

FAQ: Are you logged in with the same user account that was created when the system was installed? answer yes FGA: You'll need to find your root password, login as root and then do your thing. I forget my password

Feel free , if you have other advise

2 Answers 2


How-To Recover password under Ubuntu


You may boot Linux to init 1 and log in as root without password: Just add parameter "single" to kernel in grub (press esc, press e, add, press b) during booting. Then root's password can be changed by passwd.

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