We have an Oracle 11g schema and data dump. As this dump is very large, I would like to extract only part of schema with data. Is this possible to achieve?

  • Is it a simple SQL file? If yes, grep comes to mind.
    – Bobby
    Jan 27, 2011 at 8:29

3 Answers 3


IMPDP does have some options. Firstly you can choose to only import specific schemas (which is useful if you've done a full database export)

Secondly you can choose to INCLUDE or EXCLUDE specific objects or objects where the name matches a particular format.

Thirdly there is a QUERY parameter that "Allows you to specify a query clause that filters the data that gets imported."

If you are using the older EXP/IMP utilities, then you miss out on that flexibility


IMP also has some flexibility. If you know what schema(s)/table(s) you want to import, then use the TABLES keyword to specify them.

Without knowing exactly what produced your "dump", it's a bit difficult to provide definitive answers. Also, do you want certain tables restored, or just parts of certain tables?


If you're taking about the dump generated using exp/expdp tools - then probably* no

**There is a tool called NXTract but I'm skeptical about it and haven't tried it.*

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