I have a request to create a cell with a formula that is 50% of another cell, rounded down to the nearest .95 (basically it's a clearance price).

How can I do that in excel?

1 Answer 1

=INT(<original val> / 2 + 0.05) - 0.05

Do you really want $3.89 to become $0.95? Because that's what rounding down to the nearest 0.95 does.

Also, note that for original prices of less than $1.90, this formula generates a price of $-0.05, which is what you asked for but is silly.

  • No, that's rounding to the nearest .95. Rounding down to the nearest .95 would be 2.95. Feb 4, 2011 at 16:58
  • Yes, the problem I'm having is edge cases like 27.90, which should be 13.95, not 12.95. The formula I have so far is =ROUNDDOWN(A3*.5, 0)-0.05
    – CaffGeek
    Feb 4, 2011 at 16:59
  • @Dennis half of $3.89 is $1.945. Rounding down to the nearest 0.95 gives $0.95. You can't round it to $1.95, because that would round up.
    – Mike Scott
    Feb 4, 2011 at 17:01
  • @Chad: the formula in my answer works fine for $27.90.
    – Mike Scott
    Feb 4, 2011 at 17:02
  • It's just to populate a worksheet with defaults. So the negative price shouldn't be an issue. I used ROUNDDOWN instead of int, as it's more descriptive to the action. But it's working. Thanks
    – CaffGeek
    Feb 4, 2011 at 17:04

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