I have set up Gnome3 on my FreeBSD 8.2 box. Everything is fine, but one small problem: I can't find a way to set a locale. In (System settings - Region and Language - Language) shown only "Unspecified [US-ASCII]". ~/.dmrc and ~/.cshrc settings has no effect. Localizaton files seems to be installed properly in /usr/local/share/locale. So, what can I do to set the desired language (or, at least, UTF-8 encoding)? Thanx for any help

  • OK, I've exported LANG in every ~/.*rc file, in global and user-level login.conf and some almost random places. I don't know which of them helped, but now I have the right locale
    – at8eqeq3
    Apr 26, 2011 at 6:30


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