I have been wondering if there is a software that can allow me to solve for equations and understands a latex like written equation. So for example:

If I write v_f^2= v_i^2 + 2ad and say that V_f is 0 v_i is 10 and a is -4.5. It should automatically rearrange the equation and solve for d.

I don't mind a little change in syntax, but I would like it to comply with the format one uses for writing equations in latex.

Regards, Ted.

3 Answers 3


The LaTeXCalc program seems to do something along the lines of what you're looking for, you'll want the cygwin version to run it in Windows, and they say it's fairly limited.

Edit Looks like this has already been answered on Stack Overflow


There is WolframAlpha at the web, that could help in solving equations. Wolfram also have Mathematica solution.


You can also use Maxima instead of Mathematica. It is free and has ncurses and GUI interfaces (wxMaxima).

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