I'm using Arch Linux.
I'm trying to define, for example, letter 'a' with double grave in xkb custom layout.
It's easy to define, for example, 'a' with grave:

key <AC01> {[ a, A, agrave, Agrave ]};  

This works. I tried something like:

key <AC01> {[ a, A, adoublegrave, Adoublegrave ]};  

It isn't working. Also I want to define a letter with 'inverted breve'.
If someone will, at least, give me an example, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you !

1 Answer 1


You can specify characters by their Unicode code point, so e.g. U0201 and U0203 should be the small a characters with the desired double grave and inverted breve. Use any Unicode table or list to find the others.

For all available key names, see /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h. There's no name for combined character with double grave or inverted breve though.

  • It's strange, though, that double-grave and inverted-breve isn't implemented :( , Thank you, anyway. Your answer was helpful.
    – aksr
    Sep 30, 2011 at 8:26

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