I have a simple spreadsheet, two columns "Amount" (col Q) and "Account" (col O). I want to get the sum of the "Amount" column where the corresponding "Account" forum equals "Paypal".

This is as far as I can get!

  • Your above formula would would if you wrote it this way: =SUM(Q:Q*(O:O="Paypal")), and committed it using Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
    – Ellesa
    Oct 10, 2011 at 21:18
  • That works but it will be super-slow compared with SUMIF. Array formulae seem to work on the whole column (down to row 1048576), so if you need to use them, it's best to use a more limited range (e.g. Q2:Q2000). Sep 17, 2013 at 9:26

1 Answer 1


I believe rather than using SUM() you want the SUMIF() function. I don't have Excel to hand but I believe you need your formula to be


From this site

The syntax for the SumIf function is:

SumIf( range, criteria, sumRange )

range is the range of cells that you want to apply the criteria against. (your column containing "Paypal"

criteria is used to determine which cells to add. - In your case matching "paypal"

sumRange are the cells to sum.

Also see this Microsoft help page, and this page which has some more advanced functions such as DSUM and SUMPRODUCT.

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