I've successfully switched to Console2 on my Windows box, and I'm quite satisfied with that. (If you don't know it, try it: it lets you group both cmd.exe and Cygwin sessions in the same, tabbed window).

Now I'd like to integrate my PuTTY sessions too.

I could use plain ssh in Console2, but I need 256 colors (xterm-256) for my fancy remote vim setup :-). Here's the question: how can I setup a ssh client through Console2 to support 256 colors ?

I'm currently using Putty Connection Manager for that, and it is almost good enough, even if it doesn't look too stable.

4 Answers 4


No can do. Console2 is a UI wrapper around hidden Windows consoles, which are inherently limited to 16 colours as they only have 4 colour bits per character cell.

Have a look at mintty for an xterm-compatible Cygwin terminal with 256-colour support and a native Windows UI. No tabs though, and limited support for native Windows console programs.


If you use ANSICON along with PuTTY, you can have it show up in Windows. Just copy the ansicon files into your console2 directory and then create a new tab using this:

C:\Program Files\Console2\ansicon.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\plink.exe" -load PROFILE

Source: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/Console2ABetterWindowsCommandPrompt.aspx#46f4752f-a42d-4205-be52-4cef95eed79a

  • 2
    Nice stuff... Although it seems that escape sequences sent the other way round are lost, i.e. browsing command history via arrow keys, or command completion via <Esc><Esc>.
    – AndreaG
    Feb 20, 2012 at 15:43
  • FYI: when I try to download ANSICON from that link Kaspersky says it has Trojan.Win32.Agent2.fhyp
    – McLovin
    Aug 10, 2012 at 17:39
  • @AndreaG By chance you haven't happened to find a solution to those lost escape sequences? I've run into the same problem and can't seem to find a solution.
    – dtmland
    May 31, 2013 at 17:04
  • @dtmland no recent evolution, sorry
    – AndreaG
    Jun 10, 2013 at 13:06

Since I need colors only for Vim, my current workaround is to:

  • choose a 16-color vim colorscheme (I like solarized dark)
  • configure it on remote machine .vimrc
  • setup system colors for PuTTY session the same way (for popular color schemes like solarized you can find ready-made config files)
  • if you want, you can find color config files for Console2 too

You may try ConEmu (I'm an author of it).

It supports xterm-256 color, but I'm not sure if it will works in ssh. Also, you may run PuTTY in ConEmu tab: "putty -new_console".

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