I'm looking for a desktop, cross-OS, Word/Writer-like program (this is, that lets the user format the content, as opposed to source code editors) without all the feature bloat + performance overhead I'd get with an office suite.

Ideally, most of its features would be focused on:

  • the text editing itself - clever replaces, indentation control, etc, and
  • separating the content from its presentation, à la HTML/CSS.

Which programs match these features?

  • "Word/Writer-like program" = text processor, as opposed to text editor :)
    – m0skit0
    Nov 17, 2011 at 16:09

2 Answers 2


For the former, i tend to favour abiword it is light, and does wordprocessing pretty well, with a sane UI. Can't say i know of any word processor that does the latter, and seperates content and presentation


Here is a list of 11 free text processors. Abiword is listed first and is probably what you're looking for.

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