What would be the easiest way to install gcc 4.7.x/4.8.x on a system with CentOS 6.2+? The default RPM package contains an older version of gcc.

8 Answers 8


Tru Huynh of centos.org has built the redhat developer toolset 1.1, for centos and it contains gcc 4.7.2

So you could simply use his repo and install just gcc, instantly.

cd /etc/yum.repos.d
wget http://people.centos.org/tru/devtools-1.1/devtools-1.1.repo 
yum --enablerepo=testing-1.1-devtools-6 install devtoolset-1.1-gcc devtoolset-1.1-gcc-c++

This will install it most likely into /opt/centos/devtoolset-1.1/root/usr/bin/

Then you can tell your compile process to use the gcc 4.7 instead of 4.4 with the CC variable

export CC=/opt/centos/devtoolset-1.1/root/usr/bin/gcc  
export CPP=/opt/centos/devtoolset-1.1/root/usr/bin/cpp
export CXX=/opt/centos/devtoolset-1.1/root/usr/bin/c++
  • 5
    running yum --enablerepo=testing-devtools-6 install devtoolset-1.1-gcc devtoolset-1.1-gcc-c++ returns a four-o-four, .. : image
    – user144773
    Mar 12, 2013 at 7:28
  • 1
    don't forget to yum clean all before doing the steps again after failure else you will still get 404
    – user144773
    Mar 12, 2013 at 11:18
  • 6
    instead of setting individual variables you can do scl enable devtoolset-1.1 bash (it starts new shell with all variables set).
    – marcin
    Mar 28, 2013 at 11:42
  • 13
    For g++ 4.8.2, change 1.1 to 2 everywhere, and change --enablerepo=testing-1.1-devtools-6 to --enablerepo=testing-devtools-2-centos-6
    – dwurf
    Apr 15, 2014 at 23:28
  • 3
    Does this still work ? I get people.centos.org/tru/devtools-2/6Workstation/i386/RPMS/…: [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 404"
    – Paul Praet
    May 21, 2014 at 9:21

Here is how to get devtoolset-2 (including gcc 4.8.1)

This was taken from http://people.centos.org/tru/devtools-2/readme

wget http://people.centos.org/tru/devtools-2/devtools-2.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/devtools-2.repo
yum install devtoolset-2-gcc devtoolset-2-binutils devtoolset-2-gcc-c++

Known issues:

  • unsigned packages
  • CentOS-6 devtoolset-2 needs devtoolset-2-ide which contains the whole Eclipse stack, but does not build yet
  • CentOS-6 all the maven related file are not built either

Main changes from devtools-1.1:

  • /opt/centos is no longer used
  • /opt/rh is now used as upstream (as SL version)
  • 1
    I had to export these for it to work. Thanks! export CC=/opt/rh/devtoolset-2/root/usr/bin/gcc export CXX=/opt/rh/devtoolset-2/root/usr/bin/c++ export CPP=/opt/rh/devtoolset-2/root/usr/bin/cpp
    – jemiloii
    Mar 9, 2016 at 19:49
  • 2
    @JemiloII - did you do scl enable devtoolset-2 after installing? That should work to get the correct compilers on the path. Mar 9, 2016 at 21:58
  • that actually works better than the exports!
    – jemiloii
    Mar 9, 2016 at 22:22
  • @MarkLakata - Running scl enable devtoolset-2 throws the following error Need at least 3 arguments. Run scl --help to get help.
    – Swanidhi
    Jul 5, 2016 at 15:45
  • 3
    @Swanidhi The full command is scl enable devtoolset-2 bash where the last field could be different if you are not using bash. Jul 5, 2016 at 17:16

There is new version of devtoolset 2.0. Nice people from Cern working on Scientific Linux created an open version:

If you use CentOS (not Scientific Linux), then you will have to import their GPG key from here using:

rpm --import http://www.scientificlinux.org/documentation/gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-cern


# 1. Install a package with repository for your system:
# RHEL 6: `yum-config-manager --enable rhel-server-rhscl-6-rpmss`
# RHEL 7: `yum-config-manager --enable rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms`
$ sudo yum install centos-release-scl # On CentOS 6/7+, install package centos-release-scl available in CentOS repository

# 2. Install the collection:
$ sudo yum install devtoolset-3

# 3. Start using software collections:
$ scl enable devtoolset-3 bash

$ sudo yum list devtoolset-3\*
  • 1
    what does hash -r do?
    – codecowboy
    Jan 12, 2016 at 18:34
  • ln -s /opt/rh/devtoolset-2/root/usr/bin/* /usr/local/bin/ broke sudo on my Centos 6.7 system. I think it might alias sudo.
    – codecowboy
    Jan 13, 2016 at 9:29
  • @codecowboy $PATH every time you type a command by caching the results in memory, hash -r force reload $PATH Jan 13, 2016 at 12:04
  • @Denji - apparently the hop5.in site is no more.
    – slm
    Feb 23, 2016 at 20:10
  • may need add --nogpgcheck option : sudo yum install --nogpgcheck devtoolset-3
    – FooBee
    Jul 13, 2017 at 8:17

From what I can see from the gnu gcc, latest stable version is 4.62. The version 4.7 can be downloaded and compiled, more info on the gcc installation.

  • I asked about 4.7 because it is supposed to have some C++11 features that I need (porting from Clang). Jan 22, 2012 at 19:01
  • So apart from compiling from source there is no, say, website that would have some rpms I could use? Jan 22, 2012 at 19:02
  • Not that I'm aware of, but I'm not very knowledgeable on the topic. RPM repository typicly include the RPM only in it's stable form.
    – bbaja42
    Jan 22, 2012 at 20:28

neither one of these answers worked for me.
even in the shell of devtoolset is still saw my gcc 4.4.7.
My trick was the following:

mv /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/gcc.bckup
ln -s /opt/centos/devtoolset-1.1/root/usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/gcc

there is a problem with devtool1.1 so I did some changes - finally, this worked for me : first run

yum clean all

than :

wget http://people.centos.org/tru/devtools-1.1/devtools-1.1.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/devtools-1.1.repo

now open /etc/yum.repos.d/devtools-1.1.repo and change from :


(if you are using x86_64)to:


or ((if you are using x86))


and finally run :

yum install devtoolset-1.1

One way of achieving this would be to fetch src RPMs from the fedora repositories and recompile them for your target system.
Fedora 17 and later provide gcc 4.7

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