I have a remote Arch Linux server which has IPv6 enabled (through Tunnelbroker, I am able to do ping6 ipv6.google.com successfully) and I want to know if it's possible to use PuTTY on my Windows 7 machine to SSH tunnel to the Linux server and get IPv6 enabled pages to load in Google Chrome.

  • 1
    I think the ipv6-to-ipv4 gateway at sixxs.org is an easier way and I think putty works.
    – billc.cn
    Feb 6, 2012 at 10:37
  • It was, but sixxs is closed by 6/6/2017 :-(
    – Lenne
    May 30, 2017 at 15:50

3 Answers 3


This should be possible.

There are many articles as regarding setting up SSH between Windows and Linux.
Some that were picked at random:

Configure OpenSSH To Listen On an IPv6 Address
how to ssh to a ipv6 ubuntu in a LAN

Specific PuTTY Configuration issues are detailed in The SSH panel of the manual.

If you wish to see graphics from Linux on Windows see :
Use PuTTY and XMing to see Linux graphics via SSH on your Windows computer


The network devices in route to Arch linux must support. Can you ping -6 "your arch linux hostname" from your windows box. If it returns then putty should not have any problem in connecting to linux host.


You can open Powershell and use

ping -6 2001:0db8:your:ipv6::addr

Then you can add a Connection in Putty, there you can just enter your ipv6 address in the host field and everything works as usual

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