I am used to Eclipse and Visual studio for development for Java and C#. I am looking forward to modify and compile some files in C in the Linux Wireless subsystem. The site recommends using Sparse but there isn't much documentation regarding it. Can Sparse be used as a development environment like Eclipse. Any documentation regarding this?

  • A link to the site would be helpful. As of now, I cannot find anything called "sparse" that is an IDE
    – soandos
    Jun 18, 2012 at 8:05
  • 1
    I guess it isn't an IDE. Following is the link. Sparse. Any recommendations for an IDE?
    – user592748
    Jun 18, 2012 at 8:18
  • 1
    Try vim + ctags or emacs. KDevelop should also be able to handle that amount of code.
    – phw
    Aug 17, 2013 at 11:29

1 Answer 1


From the top of the page you linked to:

Sparse is a semantic parser and static analyzer utility [...]

Sparse is not an IDE, but a command line programme that checks your C code for static type errors.
It has been specifically developed for use within the Linux kernel.

See here for a how to guide.

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