Is there any universal keyboard shortcut to jump to the end of the next line in Windows applications? For example, similar to Shift+Down? However, I just want to move cursor; I don't want to highlight anything.

  • Inside text editors or word processors?
    – iglvzx
    Jun 20, 2012 at 20:44
  • In SQL Server mgt console actually.
    – dublintech
    Jun 20, 2012 at 20:46

1 Answer 1


If pressing Down, End moves the cursor to the end of the next line, you can define a hotkey using AutoHotkey to simplify the process. For example, if I wanted Alt+Down to do the above, I could write this script:

!Down::SendInput, {Down}{End}

Also, you can reuse a hotkey for different applications using the #IfWinActive condition. For example, if Down, End moves the cursor to the end of the next line in ApplicationX, but Ctrl+Shift+End does the same in ApplicationY, you can define a new, shared hotkey Alt+Down like so:

SetTitleMatchMode, 2

#IfWinActive, ApplicationX
    !Down::SendInput, {Down}{End}
#IfWinActive, ApplicationY
    !Down::SendInput, ^+{End}

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