I have a bunch of cells in a spreadsheet like the following: 1.48oz/12

I am trying to replace the oz/ with * and then calculate it.

So far I have:


which yields:


but I don't know how to make it calculate. I tried:


but it just yields a text string.


1 Answer 1


In Excel, the answer is to use VALUE().  It’s messy.  You can do it in one shot as:

=VALUE(LEFT(G4,FIND("oz/",G4)-1)) / VALUE(RIGHT(G4,LEN(G4)-FIND("oz/",G4)-2))

If you’re willing to tie up a column (which you can hide after you’ve finished debugging) with an intermediate value, you can define, say, I4 as


... and then define your ratio (computation result) as


I’m not familiar with libreoffice-calc, so I don’t whether VALUE() is available there.

  • That works great, thanks. I tried a lot of different things, I didn't find that.
    – user77325
    Oct 18, 2012 at 10:47

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