
Is there any way to search within a website without manually checking out every link?

Suppose there is some website www.somewebsite.com and I want to search for a word in all of the pages www.somewebsite.com/1, www.somewebsite.com/2, and so on. Is there any way to do it without actually browsing through each and every page?

  • Questions about using search engines like Google are off topic for Super User. If you intended to do this in a browser only, please clarify your question—it would be on topic then.
    – slhck
    Dec 31, 2012 at 21:01

2 Answers 2


Go to Google and type this: site:http://www.somewebsite.com keyword. It will search through the pages they have indexed to find your keyword. This is particularly useful for sites that don't have a search bar.

Have a look at more Google Tricks

Also, your question isn't very clear are you trying to do this via Shell in Solaris?

  • no nothing in particular....i wanted to do it in any possible way,your answer suffices.thanks
    – munish
    Dec 31, 2012 at 20:51

Most browsers have a Find feature. In IE it's on the Edit menu as Find on this page or you can press Ctrl + F. In Firefox it's the same, but just called Find on the menu. Not sure about Chrome.

Whatever browser, it's pretty easy to use to find words.

  • but using this i wud have to browse every page and then press ctrl+ F..that wud be really tough..
    – munish
    Dec 31, 2012 at 21:01

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