I know I can open an incognito window using Ctrl+Shift+N? You cannot combine an incognito tab with the rest of "normal" tabs. Is there a method/extension that allows me to do this?

  • 2
    @Dominique, that's not really relevant. There are many reasons. In my case, as a web software developer, I'd often like to log into a system as two different users to see and compare the result. Having those tabs in the same window (and even tab group) would be very nice.
    – isherwood
    Jun 20, 2023 at 16:06

3 Answers 3


The answer is still no.

It's not possible to have an incognito tab in the same window as non-incognito tabs. During the early days (2006-7) we discussed that possibility, but it led to too many confusing scenarios where people leaked their private data by mistaking tab types, and other problems. So we ended up forcing the two to be in different windows.


I don't think it's possible out-of-the-box. Maybe this extension can help: Incognito this

  • I already tried that extension. It does not have the option to do it. Thanks for the answer.
    – rana
    Mar 12, 2013 at 1:09

Cent Browser, which is Chromium-based, supports that.

  • 2
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