How can I disable the cyclic nature of Ctrl+Tab in Firefox?

Currently if I press Ctrl+Tab again and again, repeatedly, when I hit the last tab, and press again, Firefox goes to the first tab. How can I disable this? (And also disable vice-versa.) I would like Firefox to stop on the last tab, like a tab-stop.

Note: I would like to keep the Ctrl+Tab shortcut for in-between tabs. Only the start/end should behave differently (by not cycling).

  • Note that if you overshoot, Ctrl+Shift+Tab will go backwards. Jun 8, 2013 at 23:06
  • @Wk_of_Angmar yes I know, thanks! :) Just trying to customize it to work more how I would like it.
    – n611x007
    Jun 9, 2013 at 7:21


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