I'm experienceing a problem with a batch file command - when I run the program, I have a "PAUSE" command at the end of the batch file, however, the command window still automatically closes instantly, too quickly for me to see the results. Is there another way to prevent the command window from closing, or to somehow get the results? i.e, can a printed version be sent, inserted somewhere?

Background - I know squat about command lines, so please, if you can, any response please dumb down to novice level explanations. I am ultimately trying to determine versions of a MS Project file, and have used/followed this website instructions exactly, however the results won't display for me - the command window just dissapears instantly:

Microsoft website I used for instructions: A simple method to determine the version of an mpp file (MS Project plan file)

The text/commands within the batch file:


REM  Version.bat

ECHO Filename: %1



strings %1 | findstr "[0-9],.,....,...." 2>NUL

ECHO Check the following list for the first one or two digits of the string above (xx,.,....,....)

ECHO List of xx (Product Name): 8 (98), 9 (2000), 10 (2002), 11 (2003), 12 (2007), 14 (2010)



strings %1 | findstr ".MPP" 2>NUL

ECHO Check the following list for the digit(s) at the end of the string above (...MPPxx)

ECHO List of xx (Product Name): 8 (98), 9 (2000/2002/2003), 12 (2007), 14 (2010)


  • What OS are you using? I guess it is a flavor of windows but which one?
    – terdon
    Jun 21, 2013 at 15:46
  • 1
    I'm using windows XP - version 2002, service pack 3
    – user232864
    Jun 21, 2013 at 15:48
  • Post your batch file contents
    – Travis
    Jun 21, 2013 at 15:56
  • Here are the batch file contents, as described in the link (going to have to do this in 2 comment posts as it exceeds the max number of characters): @ECHO OFF REM Version.bat ECHO Filename: %1 ECHO. ECHO -- CHECK FOR PROJECT VERSION -- strings %1 | findstr "[0-9],.,....,...." 2>NUL ECHO Check the following list for the first one or two digits of the string above (xx,.,....,....) ECHO List of xx (Product Name): 8 (98), 9 (2000), 10 (2002), 11
    – user232864
    Jun 21, 2013 at 16:00
  • 1
    Scott - Thank you for the information above - all good to know. Turns out I didn't have the "strings" program installed, which was needed. Thanks for the assistance
    – user232864
    Jun 21, 2013 at 17:52

3 Answers 3


I suspect the file has an error. Try calling the batch file from an existing command window to see the message.

Most likely the problem is that the script is calling an external program called "strings" and according to the document you linked to this can be found here. In order for the batch file to be able to find it you should install it in the directory you are running it in, otherwise you will need to modify the PATH system environment variable or put it in a system directory.

  • Thank you - this worked. I can't believe I missed the "strings" program. Once downloaded it worked perfectly. Thank you!
    – user232864
    Jun 21, 2013 at 17:10



PING -n <sec> >NUL

Wait 10 sec:

PING -n 10 >NUL

Wait 10 sec:

powershell measure-command {sleep -s 10} ^| select TotalSeconds ^| Ft -Au

Wait 1/4 sec or 250 milliseconds:

powershell measure-command {sleep -m 250} ^| select TotalMilliseconds ^| Ft -Au



powershell $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey('NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown')


powershell $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey('NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown') >NUL


powershell cmd /c pause ^| out-null


powershell [Console]::ReadKey()>NUL


powershell sleep

Pause command, batch/cmd:

cmd /c pause
  • 2
    Unfortunately I get the same result - still dissapears instantly
    – user232864
    Jun 21, 2013 at 16:07
  • @user232864 test powershell command and what do PING -n 10 in cmd? At your Windows XP SP3?
    – STTR
    Jun 21, 2013 at 16:22
  • 2
    Thanks, tried the powershell at the end of the batch file, same result - the command window pops open for a second, then dissapears just as before. Not sure I understand the question "At your Windows XP SP3?"
    – user232864
    Jun 21, 2013 at 16:42
  • @user232864 From your question, I realized that you nuzhena delay and not pause. Now add)
    – STTR
    Jun 21, 2013 at 16:48
  • 2
    Thank you for the information above - all good to know. Turns out I didn't have the "strings" program installed, which was needed. Thanks for the assistance.
    – user232864
    Jun 21, 2013 at 17:11

If the former command is a batch file, the rest of your file is not executed. try a call before the previous commands/

  • 1
    You are repeating the other answer
    – yass
    Jun 24, 2017 at 15:44

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