The Google IP address is failing. I know no one would believe this so I did an online ping:

alt text

As this image shows one of the IP addresses for Google is failing.

However there are others. If I type them in then I can get to Google just fine. But when I try to search, Google reverts back to the broken IP.

Is there any way for me to say "I want to do a search with one of the working IP addresses"?

  • 1
    Or, a quick workaround: add .nyud.net, so: google.com.nyud.net (see coralcdn.org for details)
    – Arjan
    Oct 28, 2009 at 9:42
  • Or wait a few minutes, I am not seeing any packet loss from that IP at this time... Oct 28, 2009 at 10:10
  • I did wait "a few minutes". I posted this after an hour of the IP Address being bad. (Google is so huge that if it does not work, your first suspect should be your computer not google. I did a lot of checking on my side first.)
    – Vaccano
    Oct 28, 2009 at 14:51

2 Answers 2


Set up a static resolution in your hosts file pointing google.com to one of the good IPs.

Host File on Windows

  • Good idea. Next time it happens this is the route I will try
    – Vaccano
    Oct 28, 2009 at 14:49

Mac/Linux hosts file can be found here (if your doing this from a Mac or Linux):


Add this line to the hosts file: www.google.com

(substituting with the IP you want)

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