I am working to install kernel video sharing script. They are not supporting me setting up my VPS correctly so I am facing problems setting it up. The problem is that I have to install Ffmpeg with libfaac, libx264, libavfilter and QT-FastStart. I can't get a proper guide on this.

I am using Centos 6.4 x32bit.

I have already found this one.


but after performing all the steps I use

whereis ffmpeg

command and it does not give provide me with location which I guess means that it is not properly installed.

The second guide I found is


in this guide there is no way told to install libavfilter and libfaac. I need them both.

Can anybody, help me regarding this? I also need qt faststart to be installed which is automatically installed using the first guide but I dont know about second.


  • Are you sure you need libfaac? libfdk_aac, which the guide on the ffmpeg wiki will install, is vastly superior; the only reason you should need libfaac is if you need to redistribute your ffmpeg binary. When I installed ffmpeg from the equivalent Ubuntu compilation guide, I got all the filters by default, without having to do anything else. Also, ffmpeg can do qt-faststart's job with -movflags faststart.
    – evilsoup
    Oct 2, 2013 at 14:37
  • According to these server requirements I guess I need them. kernel-video-sharing.com/en/requirements Oct 2, 2013 at 14:41
  • @evilsoup Both libfaac and fdk-aac require --enable-nonfree resulting in a non-redistributable binary.
    – llogan
    Oct 2, 2013 at 17:59
  • To compile qt-faststart: follow the second guide then run: cd ~/ffmpeg_sources/ffmpeg/tools && make qt-faststart. You can then move the resulting binary to a location that will work with your product. faac is not easy to compile. Install fdk-aac and edit the scripts to use it instead.
    – llogan
    Oct 2, 2013 at 18:40


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