I am attempting to use SASS/Compass in Fedora 18 on my localhost test server, located at: /var/www/html

Ruby/gems and compass have already been installed.

Now, I'm trying to create a test file and have compass watch a certain directory.

When I navigate to the directory I want to be in and type:

compass create sass-test

I get this:

Errno::EACCES on line ["247"] of /usr/share/ruby/fileutils.rb: Permission denied - /var/www/html/kba/sass-test
Run with --trace to see the full backtrace

What am I missing? How can I make this work?

This works anywhere except my localhost so I tried :

sudo compass create sass-test

Then I get this:

sudo: compass: command not found

What should I do?

  • I solved this problem by using chmod 777. However, I'm wondering: is there any other way? I'd love to still have minimum permissions on this directory but still use it with pretty minimal effort. Ideas?
    – user270638
    Nov 8, 2013 at 20:42
  • I'd place this as an answer, but it's pure speculation. My guess is that your normal user doesn't have write permissions on /var/www. Hence you need either sudo or some chown and suexec. Then your sudo is failing for a different reason: compass is on your search path, but not on root's. Try doing which compass or whereis compass as a normal user, then something like sudo /full/path/compass Feb 16, 2017 at 0:29


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