When I do ls -lart in my current working directory it shows

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root 10004 36 Dec 16 17:59 index.html ->/home/moviebeam/assets/ui/index.html

But I cannot see contents of the file.And most important the file index.html is not present in the path /home/moviebeam/assets/ui/. Then why it is showing up when I run command ls -lrt

2 Answers 2


This is symlink. How do I know?

First letter suggest that: l rwxrwxrwx

If you don't need this link any more than just remove it using rm -f


The index.html symbolic link in your current directory is there, however the file it points to is not.

Symbolic links are essentially just files which point programs trying to access them to a different file. However, the symbolic link has no way of knowing whether the file it points to is actually there, so you sometimes get symbolic links that point to non-existent files, in the same way that weblinks sometimes point to a web page that no longer exists

You will have to recreate the target file at /home/moviebeam/assets/ui/index.html, or alternatively you may delete the link using rm.

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