I'm trying to learn Emacs, and I think that getting gmail right in it would be cool. I've tried a but of tutorials online, but I couldn't figure out what a lot of them were talking about. A lot of them listed elisp code but didn't tell where to put it, and others just didn't work (they created errors). All I really want is to send and receive email - folders and smtp(?) are completely optional.

Does anyone know a good way of doing this?

Edit: I found http://www.gohome.org/wl/doc/wl_toc.html to be helpful in figuring out Wanderlust.

  • 4
    Why do people insist so much on doing other things than editing text, with Emacs? This has always amazed me ;)
    – Gnoupi
    Nov 12, 2009 at 13:45
  • 14
    Emacs- not just an editor, an operating system!
    – kmarsh
    Nov 12, 2009 at 13:50
  • 2
    This is built in: C-q C-p C-x fgh 2 99z {Return} :P
    – Phoshi
    Nov 15, 2009 at 18:08
  • 4
    Emacs Gnus is an outstanding email client. Nov 15, 2009 at 20:19
  • 3
    @Gnoupi. Emacs is a software development platform that promotes plain text/keyboard user interfaces (sometimes called "text user interfaces"). It contrasts with Java and .NET that promote graphical user interfaces.
    – Uday Reddy
    Apr 28, 2012 at 8:07

2 Answers 2


I've had success using wanderlust. This is a good tutorial for setting it up:



I have it setup as a gnus secondary source. In .gnus.el I have:

(add-to-list 'gnus-secondary-select-methods
  '(nnimap "gmail"
    (nnimap-address "imap.gmail.com")
    (nnimap-server-port 993)
    (nnimap-stream ssl)
    (nnimap-authinfo-file "~/.authinfo.gpg")

and in .authinfo.gpg I have:

machine "gmail" imap.gmail.com login [email protected] password trustno1

You'll need to enable imap on your accounts to make it work. .authinfo.gpg is gpg encrypted (for password privacy) and I have the easypg package installed to decrypt it on demand.

I send email locally, so you'll have to look at emacswiki.org to work out how to send it via gmail's servers.


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