I've installed the calomel addon in Firefox, which gives information about the quality of an SSL certificate. I have created a self signed certificate, which scores full point on PFS and the Bulk Cipher, but not on the rest. How can I create a better certificate on Debian?

Calomel validation for Google certificate Calomel validation for self signed certificate

1 Answer 1


You are confusing things. There are two separate issues here:

  • Your certificate was made using a 1024 bit key. This is easily rectified: openssl genrsa -des3 -out privkey.pem 2048 creates a 2048 bit key, the rest of the procedure remains the same.
  • Your webserver's encryption configuration is sub-standard: You have to move ciphers with Elliptic-Curve DH key exchange to the front of your preferred cipher list. You should push ciphers only included for backwards-compatibility to the back.

My Apache configuration currently looks like this:

SSLProtocol +TLSv1.2 +TLSv1.1 +TLSv1
SSLCompression off
SSLHonorCipherOrder on

This gives a full grade on Qualys SSL Server Test.

Please note that Apache 2.2 does not support Elliptic-Curve cryptography.

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