I have the the following spreadsheet: http://postimg.org/image/nti4akie5/
My formula in Columns A to E is the following:

=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE)),"Branch Not Open",VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE))

I would like to do the following in Column A:
If the date in Column C is greater than today, then Column A must also say "Branch Not Open".
I have tried the following:

=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE)),"Branch Not Open",VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE)),IF(C:C<=TODAY,"Branch Not Open, IF(AND(C:C=>TODAY,VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:I,9,FALSE)))  

But Excel does not like the formula at all. Please help!

1 Answer 1


It looks like the formula you are using is needlessly complicated. Try this:

=IF(col C date>TODAY(),"Branch Not Open",value if false)

The IF function works like this IF(logical test,value if true, value if false). In my formula, the logical test is whether or not the date value in column C is greater than the current day.

The TODAY function will update itself automatically every time the workbook is opened, based on the system clock of the computer.

enter image description here

  • =IF(C:C>TODAY(),"Branch Not Open",VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE)) --- 100% !
    – Lisa
    Apr 14, 2014 at 12:20

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