How can I align text to left and right margins by adding extra space between words as necessary?

I'm looking for something like the Justified alignment (Ctrl+J) option in Microsoft Word.

  • Are you using columns? Apr 23, 2014 at 13:10

1 Answer 1


You could try http://codealignment.com/ (video demo)

Code alignment is the practice of formatting your code vertically to improve readability.

Align by... (Dialog)    Ctrl + Shift + =
Align by position... (Dialog)   Ctrl + =, Ctrl + Backspace
Align by Equals     Ctrl + =, Ctrl + =
Align by m_     Ctrl + =, Ctrl + m
Align by "  Ctrl + =, Ctrl + '
Align by .  Ctrl + =, Ctrl + .
Align by Space  Ctrl + =, Ctrl + Space  

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