I used

createrepo -update ...

by mistake when I meant --update. Now, yum complains all the time about pdate directory not being there. Even though I checked that string is not in yum.conf nor in any .repo files, it is still complaining about it.

I also removed the metadeta directory by hand and recreated createrepo correctly.

It is still complaining.

How do I make yum forget that pdate

2 Answers 2


Just in case anyone has this same issue, what happened here was that using the -u flag changed the base URL for the repository to ./pdate (because apparently anything after -u is interpreted as a baseURL value.)

The easy fix is to simply change the baseURL to the value it should be (http://something.com/repo/6/x86_64 or what have you) by running:

createrepo -u $baseURL --update /path/to/repository


Well, I also cleaned (nuked) the cache directory mentioned in the "files" section of the man page. This still did not work.

Finally, I noticed that there is this thing called "yum clean", it is mentioned in the man page but not quite sure what it is.

However, I did run

yum clean all

and that finally worked to clean the erroneous (-u)pdate directory

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