In my every day Google, Yahoo, and Bing searches, how can I better pick out the results that are StackOverflow results? (Sure wish my browser knew I preferred getting StackOverflow results)


2 Answers 2


If you really only care about getting SO results, you can use the site: stackoverflow.com option on your search.


stackoverflow answers site:stackoverflow.com
  • True, but there have been many times where I have searched for something without thinking of StackOverflow and there was a StackOverflow answer.
    – Mike Grace
    Nov 28, 2009 at 19:23

You can get augmented search results showing a StackOverflow icon to the right of the results that match using a Kynetx info card and a card selector.

Augmented search results for StackOverflow answers

The "StackOverflow fan card" can be found at


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