When I add a background image to Powerpoint, it always scales such that the dimension are perfect, but a part of the image is cut off. How can I get the background to be the correct dimensions but also completely visible? I want to create a correct-dimensions image slideshow using Powerpoint. I want students to be able to see all images, completely, with the correct dimensions?

  • Talking specifically about background images and hoping to configure PowerPoint to automatically do locked aspect ratio wherein the image does not exceed the resolution of the monitor in any dimension. Nov 6, 2018 at 8:11

1 Answer 1


By the correct dimensions you might mean keep aspect ratio. See right click, format, size, scale, Lock aspect ratio.

Or you can resize the images by hand, holding the shift key (keep ratio) or ctrl key (keep center). (Or both)

  • That's nice, but I'm trying to do this specifically for background images. Jun 19, 2014 at 6:04
  • Edit Master slide, to always contain the image. If you want multiple backgrounds in your presentation, create more Master slides. But don't use backgrounds as the content, they are meant for styling. If you want your slides border-less, use resizing/cropping.
    – Hrobky
    Jul 11, 2018 at 12:11

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