I want to set IP address by using python's subprocess module.

I was trying to use it like this:

from subprocess import call
call(["ifconfig", "eth0", "", "netmask", "", "broadcast", ""])

When I run this script in my CentOS server I get this error:

SIOCGIFADDR: Cannot assign requested address
SIOCSIFBROADCAST: Cannot assign requested address
SIOCSIFBRDADDR: Cannot assign requested address

I couldn't figure out where this error came from.

1 Answer 1


You have the broadcast of a /23 if the network is

You may want to set broadcast of

  • Er didn't you just have 192.168.x.x address range in your question. I'll come back when you are fully decided on the question! :-)
    – albal
    Jun 30, 2014 at 11:50
  • oh sorry i was modified! pls check it again ..thanks you! Jun 30, 2014 at 11:51

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