My NAS creates a logfile in the format below:

<30>1 2014-07-21T05:02:10+02:00 ABC-NAS qlogd 6432 - - qlogd[6432]: event log: Users: Glacier, Source IP:, Computer name: localhost, Content: [Glacier] Backup job [Backup ABC-PC] finished successfully

<30>1 2014-07-21T05:02:27+02:00 ABC-NAS qlogd 6432 - - qlogd[6432]: event log: Users: Glacier, Source IP:, Computer name: localhost, Content: [Glacier] Backup job [Backup ABC-HTPC] finished successfully

<28>1 2014-07-21T05:10:59+02:00 ABC-NAS qlogd 6920 - - qlogd[6920]: event log: Users: Glacier, Source IP:, Computer name: localhost, Content: [Glacier] Backup job [Backup ABC-NAS] is abnormal shutdown

<30>1 2014-07-21T06:00:15+02:00 ABC-NAS qlogd 6920 - - qlogd[6920]: event log: Users: Glacier, Source IP:, Computer name: localhost, Content: [Glacier] Backup job [Backup ABC Metadata] started

<30>1 2014-07-21T06:00:27+02:00 ABC-NAS qlogd 6920 - - qlogd[6920]: event log: Users: Glacier, Source IP:, Computer name: localhost, Content: [Glacier] Backup job [Backup ABC Metadata] finished successfully

Using a BASH script I would like to create a textfile only containing:

Monday 21 July 2014 - 04:10 AM
Glacier Backup job [Backup ABC-PC] finished successfully

Monday 21 July 2014 - 07:02 AM
Glacier Backup job [Backup ABC-HTPC] finished successfully

and so on.

I have been trying with cat and grep, but it soon gets too complicated for me. Who can help me in the right direction?

1 Answer 1


here is a super simple brute force bash script

cat log | cut -d " " -f 2,20- | while read -r date message; do
  echo $date
  echo $message

sample output

[Glacier] Backup job [Backup ABC-PC] finished successfully

[Glacier] Backup job [Backup ABC-HTPC] finished successfully

if you wish for more features then i strongly advice you to learn python.


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